🌈1.1 建表
🚀🚀🚀 学生表
1 | create table student( |
🚀🚀🚀 教师表
1 | CREATE TABLE teacher ( |
🚀🚀🚀 课程表
1 | CREATE TABLE course ( |
🚀🚀🚀 成绩表
1 | CREATE TABLE score ( |
🌈1.2 插入数据
1 | -- 添加学生表数据 |
🐴 2.基础查询
🚀 1.查询 student 表的所有行
select * from student
🚀 2.查询 student 表中的 name、sex 和 class 字段的所有行
select name,sex,class from student;
🚀 3.查询 teacher 表中不重复的 department 列
select DISTINCT department from teacher;
🚀 4.查询 score 表中成绩在 50-80 之间的所有行
select * from score where degree BETWEEN 50 and 80;
select * from score where degree >=50 and degree <=80;
🚀 5.查询 score 表中成绩为 85, 86 或 88 的行
select * from score where degree in (85,86,88);
select * from score where degree =85 or degree=86 or degree =88;
🚀 6.查询 student 表中 ‘95033’ 班或性别为 ‘女’ 的所有行
select * from student where class=95033 or sex =’女’;
🚀 7.以 class 降序的方式查询 student 表的所有行
select * from student order by class desc
🚀 8.查询 “95031” 班的学生人数
select * from student where class=95031
🚀 9.查询 score 表中的最高分的学生学号和课程编号
select s_no,c_no from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score);
select s_no,c_no from score order by degree desc LIMIT 1;
🐴 3.分组计算
🚀 1. 查询每门课的成绩平均成绩
select c_no,avg(degree) as avg from score group by c_no
🚀 2. 查询 score 表中至少有 2 名学生选修,并以 3 开头的课程的平均分数
select c_no,avg(degree) avg from score group by c_no
having count(c_no) >=2
and c_no like ‘3%’
select c_no,avg(degree) avg from score where c_no like ‘3%’
group by c_no having count(*) >2
🚀 3. 查询student表中至少有3名男生的class
select class from student where sex = ‘男’
GROUP BY class
having count(*) >3
🐴 4.多表关联
🚀 1.查询所有学生的 name,以及该学生在 score 表中对应的 c_no 和 degree
select b.
from student a,score b
where a.no
= b.s_no
🚀 2.查询所有任课 ( 在 course 表里有课程 ) 教师的 name 和 department
select m.
from teacher m,course n
where m.no
= n.t_no
🚀 3.查询所有学生的 name 、课程名 ( course 表中的 name ) 和 degree
select a.
as kecheng,c.degree
from student a,course b,score c
where a.no
= c.s_no
and b.no
= c.c_no
🚀 4.查询所有学生的 no 、课程名称 ( course 表中的 name ) 和成绩 ( score 表中的 degree ) 列
select a.
as kecheng,c.degree
from student a,course b,score c
where a.no
= c.s_no
and b.no
= c.c_no
🐴 5.子查询
🚀 1.查询95031班的学生每门课程的平均成绩
select c_no,avg(degree) avg from score
where s_no in (select no from student where class=95031)
group by c_no
🚀 2.查询所有成绩高于 109 号同学的 3-105 课程成绩记录
select * from score where degree > (
select degree from score where c_no = ‘3-105’ and s_no =’109’)
🚀 3.查询 “计算机系” 课程的成绩表
select * from score where c_no in (
select no from course where t_no in (
select no from teacher where department =’计算机系’
🚀 4.查询某选修课程多于 5 个同学的教师姓名
select name from teacher where no in
select t_no from course where no in (
select c_no from score group by c_no HAVING count(*)>5
🐴 6.ANY/ALL用法
🚀 1.查询课程3-105且成绩至少高3-245的score信息,成绩降序
WHERE c_no = ‘3-105’
AND degree >
ANY ( SELECT degree FROM score WHERE c_no = ‘3-245’ ) order by degree desc
🚀 2.查询课程3-105且成绩高于3-345的score信息
WHERE c_no = ‘3-105’
AND degree > ALL ( SELECT degree FROM score WHERE c_no = ‘3-245’ )
🐴 7.自连接
🚀 查询某课程成绩比该课程平均成绩低的score信息
select * from score a where a.
select avg(degree) from score b where a.c_no
= b.c_no
🐴 8.自连接
🚀 1 查询studnet表中年龄最大的和年龄最小
select max(birthday),min(birthday) from student
🚀 2 查询student表中每个学生的姓名和年龄
select name,year(now())-YEAR(birthday) as age from student
🚀 3 查询最高分同学的成绩
select * from score where
degree = (select max(degree) from score)
🚀 4 时间函数
select DAYOFWEEK(now())
select DAYOFYEAR(now()); ##返回当年第多少天
select HOUR(now()); ##返回时间本周第几天
select DAYOFWEEK(now())
select DAYOFYEAR(now()); ##返回当年第多少天
select HOUR(now()); ##返回时间本周第几天
🐴 9.排名统计
🚀 1.scores_tb根据成绩从高到低排序,row_number
select a.
row_number() over(order by a.score
desc) as row_id
from scores_tb a
🚀 2.scores_tb根据成绩从高到低排序,dense_rank无间隔
select a.
row_number() over(order by a.score
desc) as row_id
from scores_tb a
🚀 3.scores_tb根据成绩从高到低排序,RANK有间隔
select a.
RANK() over(order by a.score
desc) as row_id
from scores_tb a